Saturday, May 3, 2008

Turbo deluxe pain in my butt.

Today's gripe consists of the ever so annoying FAN FROM HELL. After my hubby and I got married, he moved in and brought this gigantic box fan that he proceeded to place upon the night stand. I am then informed that he can’t sleep without a fan blowing on him. Hmmmm, we have a ceiling fan and it seems to blowing. This is not nearly adequate enough. He needs more of an air tunnel type set up. Personally, I can’t stand to have a fan blowing in my face when I’m trying to sleep.

I’ve done my best to find other alternatives to this evil piece of electronic equipment that has taken over my once happy sleeping sanctuary. In one discussion, when I asked if we could compromise and turn it down to low, or even medium would be nice, he informed me that it needed to be on high because it’s the SOUND that he needs to fall asleep. Perfect!!! They have these wonderful things known as Sound Machines that can play soothing sounds to help you drift into gentle slumber. After telling him this great news, I’m then informed that NOOOOO, he actually needs the freaking air blowing up his nostrils. SHEESH, pick a side already!

Well, he ended up in the hospital (to be discussed on another day) and they gave him a great clip on fan that he said he just loved. WHOOO HOOOO! I began doing the happy dance. This would be perfect, he could clip it onto the headboard and have it blow directly onto him without it freezing me and drying out my sinuses. This combined with the sound machine seemed to be my answered prayer.

Just as I was about to celebrate this glorious compromise, my mother in law took my hubby to pick up some medicine. While perusing through the isles of the drug store, they happened upon the "Honeywell High Velocity Dual Action Air Circulator Fan HT8700 with Turbo Force”. Oh freaking great!! One would think that my husband would stop for a moment and consider the fact that for the past 5 years I’ve put up with this fan crap and now we have a solution that will let BOTH of us sleep, but being as this is not a Hallmark movie where husbands actually have considerate feelings, he picked the thing up and brought it home. I hate that flipping fan.

I seriously think the best thing to do is just get separate freaking rooms so he and his fan can be alone and I can once again enjoy a peaceful, draft free nights rest.

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