Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Are you kidding me with this?

Absolutely fed up with whiney men. Don’t want to hear anymore excuses, just man up and do what you are supposed to do. Guess the problem is that my dad was a real man. Remember the kind that put his family first and understood that it was his responsibility to protect and provide for his family? Yeah, I want one of those. Instead it seems that I married a whiney little cry baby who traded in his balls for a piece of bacon. Truth is, there’s no one to blame but me. He is the way he is and it’s just not what I truly wanted. Let us remember: It’s better to have a man worth marring than marry a man not worth having. Don’t like feeling trapped in this marriage. Believe it or not, I try to settle on the fact that I’ve signed up for a life sentence and I need to just accept things for the way the are and just deal with it. Not exactly my forte. As a stay home mom, I am dependant on my husband to provide for us financially. When he doesn’t go to work, he puts that in jeopardy. He doesn’t seem to understand how stressful it is to wonder everyday if he’s actually going to work or just going to stay home because his big toe hurts. I would love to be able to believe him when he tells me something, but his track record has proven over and over that his word means absolutely nothing. Blahhhhh. As stated before he was in the hospital for breathing problems. Doctor told him he needed to quit smoking. He was in the hospital for 5 days without a smoke and I congratulated him on a job well done. We’ve made the promise to quit smoking several times in the past (we‘ve both smoked for over 20 years), but every time, he starts up again. So this time around I’m thinking he would actually quit. Got the patches, tons of lollipops and Tic Tacs and thought we were ready to go. For some reason, the moron decided to smoke, a few hours later, he’s back at the hospital because he can’t breathe. YA THINK?!! Then he comes home wanting sympathy. Oh yeah, that’s exactly what you’re going to get. NOT! If you’re stupid enough to put your hand in the garbage disposal and then turn it on, you deserve to have your hand chopped to little tiny bits. Not that I’m bitter or anything, hee hee.

On a good note, I kicked cigarette’s butt and haven’t had even a puff off of one for 2 weeks.

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