Sunday, June 29, 2008

Some WHINE with your cheese?

The husband has done nothing but whine about how much pain he is in for months, actually years. No matter what is going on, HE has some gripe. When I had a C-section with my 3rd child, he told everyone how exhausted he was and proceeded to take a month off of work because of it. The part he left out was that 90% of his waking time was at night after everyone else was asleep. So tell me please just who he was taking care of that wore him out so much. It wasn’t as if he was up all night doing chores, prepping meals, or doing the grocery shopping. No, he left all those things for me. The reason for his exhaustion leaned more on the fact that he was taking my pain medicine. As a matter of fact, I had several days of dealing with the pain, because my husband had taken all my meds. Not so much fun a week after you’ve had your belly filleted. Anyhoo, Poor hubby and his back. I’ve found it quite interesting how he can be in such “pain” one day, but as soon as something happens that he wants to do, he is instantly better. Oh and you should see him poor it on when someone asks how he’s doing. The way he makes it out, his spine has popped out through his ears. He has a HUGE problem with addiction to pain meds. I’ve never know him to actually stick to the doctor’s instructions, as a matter of fact, the last prescription he had filled was a 2 week supply and he gobbled it down in a week. Here he’s been for 2 whole days without his blessed meds and, SURPRISE, his leg is twitching and he can’t sleep. HMMMMMMM brainiac, ever heard of withdrawal? When I had all my wisdom teeth pulled, he once again gobbled up my meds and left me to sit in pain. Little bit fed up and tired of it. Ugh, time for some Starbucks and a chance to make it all go away.